Power BI : 5 Day-Power BI POC Consulting Services

Quadrant Technologies

Experience the full value of your data and business with Microsoft Power BI and provide training to your analysts on Power BI. A Week POC delivers starting from Assessment till Publish reports.

Experience the full value of your data and business with Microsoft Power BI and provide training to your analysts on Power BI.

A Week Proof of Concept deliver services, starting from - Assessment of your business requirements - Understanding your dashboarding goals - Data preparation - Data Modelling - Develop, Publish and Share Power BI Reports

Deliverable: Brief synopsis of achieved insights and future road map that can be valuable for the business stakeholders. Presentation of data story with Power BI dashboard

Agenda Day 1: Assessment - Understanding Business requirements - Reporting goals - Data discovery - Scope definition Day 2: Data Preparation - Data verification - Data cleansing - Data access - Availability Day 3: Report Development - Data modelling - Visualization - Testing - Review Day 4: Review and Dashboarding - Apply themes and branding - Fixing Issues - Enhancements - Validation Day 5: Sign Off - Stakeholder presentation - Future roadmap discussion.
