Power Automate in a Day : 1 Day Workshop

Rubicon B.V.

Experience a powerful and innovative service including automated/scheduled/instant cloud workflows, dozens of connectors and integrations, and much more with Microsoft Power Automate

The 'Power Automate in a Day' workshop is designed by Rubicon in order to fast track and accelerate your automation needs. Power Automate, part of the Low-code Microsoft Power Platform, brings you the ability to automate an enormous amount of workflows and processes. Existing connectors enable you to integrate within a click of a button to Microsoft Dataverse applications as well as external Cloud and on-premises applications. Get hands-on experience with the Microsoft Power Platform, Power Automate and Microsoft Dataverse in one single day. Experience the automation possibilities and power of low-code-development. At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand the strengths and abilities of Power Automate
  • Differentiate between used terminology
  • Design your process in Power Automate
  • Create an automated Power Automate flow
  • Create a scheduled Power Automate flow
  • Create an instant Power Automate flow
  • Use existing connectors in your Power Automate flow and understand the possibilities of custom connectors
  • Have knowledge about how to use Power Automate flows in combination with Power Apps
  • Share your Power Automate flows with your organization in a secure manner
  • Understand the possibilities of non-cloud Power Automate flows in the form of desktop flows
  • Understand how to deploy Power Automate components through your DTAP
