Offer Name: Microsoft 365 CrashCourse - 1 week Workshop

Virteva LLC

Empower organizations to gain a deeper understanding of Microsoft 365 and its vast array of services, features, and capabilities through Virteva's Microsoft 365 CrashCourse Workshop.

Virteva: a Crossfuze company, has developed a customized, multi-day CrashCourse workshop focused on Microsoft 365 and its vast array of services, features, and capabilities spanning communication, collaboration, productivity, and security. This workshop will empower your organization to make informed, strategic decisions about the future of your Microsoft cloud environment, while also gaining a deeper understanding of the functional capabilities combined with real-world examples and recommendations related to how to best approach every single portion of the stack.

This industry-leading Microsoft 365 CrashCourse includes: â€Ē A personalized “discovery phase” of your operating environment, including all of the relevant third-party apps you’re using â€Ē An interactive and collaborative two-day workshop in which leaders from across your organization will explore all of the Microsoft 365 offerings relevant to them â€Ē An analysis of which of your third-party apps are duplicative of similar Microsoft 365 services â€Ē An expert assessment of the Microsoft 365 features you should consider implementing to enhance and secure your operating environment â€Ē Development of a prioritization roadmap that lays out your Microsoft 365 launch strategy, including both training and technical considerations

The Microsoft 365 Crash Course is not end-user software training or tips and tricks. It’s a high-level, strategic look at the powerful functionalities available to you through your Microsoft 365 subscription that make the most sense for your needs and business objectives. Invite representatives from across your organization to your two-day Crash Course. Every business unit in your organization will benefit from learning how to unlock the Microsoft 365 features that will drive value in their line of work.

The standard agenda for the Microsoft 365 CrashCourse includes a multitude of topics. Among the high level categorical focus areas throughout the 4-half-day Workshop:

Day 1: Office 365 Services Day 2: Modern Endpoint Management and Security Day 3: Securing Microsoft 365 Part 1 Day 4: Securing Microsoft 365 Part 2 Day 5: Documentation finalization and follow-up items
