Data and Analytics Blueprint - 3Wk Workshop

Withum Digital

Unlock the value of your data by discovering modernized reporting capabilities.

It's time to spend less time preparing reports and more time analyzing the actual data. If you're still struggling with spreadsheet exports, templates and formula references - you can modernize your reporting processes and replace effort organizing data with gaining insights from it instead.

In our 3-week data blueprint engagement, our data experts will work with you to:

  • Gain an understanding of the current state of your data and reporting architecture
  • Identify and scope required outcomes for reporting and data access
  • Discover and document data sources and data stores
  • Build a comprehensive roadmap to establish automation for a scalable data estate and modernized reporting

After this engagement, you will:

  • Have a clear understanding of how to eliminate manual data processing, data quality issues, and manual points of failure
  • Have a tangible first step toward modernization and focusing on data-driven decision making
  • Establish a scalable foundation to align with future organizational needs
  • Ability to align next steps with your budget and highest priority needs

Approximate fees are $10,000-$12,500.
