Viro - Climate Action
โดย Viro Climate Action
Empower your workforce to make a sustainable impact.
Showcase your commitment to sustainability by featuring Viro’s employee engagement initiative in your company’s annual sustainability reports.
** Quickly export data to feature in your organization’s Environmental Social Governance (ESG), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), or Social Impact reports **
- EPA-verified CO2e reduction metrics to accurately measure and report impact.
- Set goals, track eco-friendly habits, and share photos with your team.
- Gamified sustainability challenges rewarding company-wide leaderboard winners.
- Weekly climate education and tips for sustainability.
Viro quantifies and calculates employee pollution reduction (CO2e) using the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator. Accurately measure and report your positive environmental impact.
For information, please visit
Installation and setup assistance included, some restrictions apply.
Questions? Contact us for a demo :)