āđāļāļĒ Freshworks INC
Collaborate effortlessly with Freshdesk and Microsoft Teams
Trusted by over 50000 businesses, Freshdesk is your one-stop destination that provides everything you need to empower your teams and delight customers effortlessly. Packed with a suite of powerful enterprise-grade features, Freshdesk unifies customer service across channels, improves your teamâs productivity, and allows you to provide personalized contextual customer support.
The Microsoft Teams-Freshdesk integration brings your internal and support teams together and makes cross-team collaboration effortless and frictionless.
Hereâs how Freshdesk-Microsoft Teams integration helps you deliver exceptional customer service:
[#B]Simplifies cross-team collaboration[/#B]
- Break silos and unify distributed teams with a shared view of tickets
- Bring subject matter experts from different teams to solve complex queries faster
- Connect with teams outside of Freshdesk without switching applications
- Automatically route tickets based on specific conditions and notify your preferred channels in Microsoft Teams
[#B]Boosts agent productivity[/#B]
- Quickly create, view, or update tickets directly from Microsoft Teams
- Always stay on top of tickets with alerts for ticket assignment, customer replies, priority changes, etc
- Manage support tasks easily by replying and adding private/public notes to tickets directly from Microsoft Teams
- Offer support to team members from other channels in Microsoft Teams to solve complex queries
For installation instructions, please refer to this solution guide.
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