Business Central CRM Insights
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Improve how you interact and do business with your customers with ready-made Power BI CRM reports.
Do you want quicker and better insights into your contacts and their interactions? Do you need a clear overview of your sales opportunities?
Our Business Central Relationship Management reports give you the essential insights to retain and improve your customer relationships and not miss any growth opportunities or lose revenue.
Our extensive range of 20+ standard CRM reports will give you a clear overview of your contacts, interactions, opportunities, campaigns and segments.
Make the best sales and marketing decisions at the right time
Take advantage of the immense amount of sales and marketing information Business Central collects. Our CRM report suite brings all of your data from Business Central together in a comprehensive way that allows you to analyse data and identify trends for all of your salespeople, contacts, interactions, opportunities, campaigns and segments.
A reliable solution for all your reporting and analytic needs
Our suite of pre-designed reports gives you immediate access to critical information such as:
- Contact Overview
- Profile Questionnaire
- Interactions
- Opportunity Overview
- Opportunity Aging
- Campaigns
- Segments
Features and benefits of the CRM app:
- Over 100 measures and over 20 dimensions to ensure that your reporting and analysis tells you what is happening in your business.
- Drill through the data to show the source transactions.
- Decomposition Tree that presents a hierarchical view of your data and allows you to deep dive into your dimensions and attributes in any order.
Q&A is also included where you can ask questions, such as:
- Which salesperson won the most opportunities?
- Which contacts are from Sydney?
- Show number of contacts over time.
Connect your data to Power BI and experience new insights into your customer relationships today
Click 'Get it now' to install the Business Central CRM Insights app.
- Install and configure the Power BI Insights Connector app, to use all our Power BI report suites.
- Purchase and assign Power BI licenses.
Supported countries:
All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.
Supported Languages:
The app is available in English (United States).