AMCS Platform for Municipal Waste and Recycling
โดย AMCS Group
AMCS Platform - Software Solutions for Municipal Waste and Recycling Services
The AMCS Platform is designed to meet the unique requirements of the municipal waste and recycling market. The AMCS Platform is designed to meet the unique requirements of the municipal waste and recycling market.
This enterprise-grade SaaS platform enables waste and recycling operators to quickly and easily manage the full spectrum of business-critical data and processes, providing complete visibility into municipal waste collection activities.
It is a platform inspired by market trends, driving automation and delivering end-to-end standardization, visibility and optimization of municipal waste collection processes.
The AMCS Platform works with your municipal to:
- reduce operational expenses
- improve operational performance
- reduce missed collections
- provide real-time service verifications
- decrease cart management costs and new purchases
- minimise the number of unauthorised lifts
- fully digitalize route sheets
- automate and streamline customer services
- provide real-time reporting and service analytics
- identify and stop revenue leakage
AMCS Platform includes state-of-the-art technology solutions. These six seamlessly integrated solutions are:
- Enterprise Management
- Intelligent Optimization
- Mobile Workforce
- Vehicle Technology
- Digital Engagement
- Analytics