TrialJourney Enterprise | Patient Engagement

โดย Circuit Clinical Solutions Inc.

The first-ever patient ratings and reviews platform for clinical trials.


TrialJourney Enterprise is the first-ever patient ratings and reviews platform for clinical trials that enables study teams to quantitatively and qualitatively measure and respond to participant engagement at any point during the clinical trial journey. From initial screening to trial closeout, you’ll understand what matters most to participants so you can take action to maximize retention and drive engagement and satisfaction. Use powerful insights to create a truly patient-centric experience.

Ideal Use Cases

  • Pharmaceutical sponsors who want to design and implement more efficient trials
  • Contract Research Organizations (CROs) looking to improve recruitment and retention rates
  • Large site networks focusing on the participant experience across their sites


  • Analyze and evolve the participation experience in real-time based on feedback and insights
  • Optimize your trials to decrease burden and improve participant satisfaction
  • Enhance protocol compliance through engagement
  • Aggregate feedback to use in future trial design and bid defense
  • Maintain participant engagement for post-trial insights
  • Reduce the number of participants who are “Lost to follow-up”
