IRIS Multi Energy System


Customer-centred system for companies selling energy and gas

IRIS Multi Energy System
This is a comprehensive solution increasing sales results and improving the quality of Customer service in companies trading in electrical energy and gas. It has been prepared to support the key processes taking place in the four basic business areas in energy companies: Marketing, Sales, Customer Service and Billing.

Why Customers choose our solution
Scalability – adjustment to business size
Sectoral divide – adjustment to services required by power media
Modernity – new technologies
Security – highly secured access to applications and data
Ease of use – simple and intuitive user’s interface

"Our Customers appreciate the adjustability of our system to individual business scale, its quick implementation, no need to invest in IT infrastructure, user-friendly applications, higher effectiveness of activities undertaken and improved quality of Customer-service." Tomasz Kurdelski – EBICOM’s CEO

Our promise to you
No matter how big your business is you can start cooperating with us and within merely three months you can handle the processes yourself by means of our application. You will thus boost the efficiency of the undertaken activities and enhance the quality of Customer service.

An offer to get you started
The system expands together with your business, so you do not bear any unnecessary investment costs
You will stand out from the competitors and will inspire your business partners’ trust.
Our offer includes a comprehensive solution supporting sales and Customer service in the energy and gas market.
A lot of energy companies use our solution and achieve their business targets.
