edison365 DataStore - Project Online MI warehouse

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Data solution for efficient and reliable reporting of your Project Online and SharePoint data

Can you quickly and easily build enterprise level reports and understand trends from your Project Online and SharePoint Data? 

Built on Microsoft Azure and configured with an intuitive user interface, DataStore is an enterprise ready cloud-based solution that delivers quicker and easier access to your data. Utilize a single reporting hub for all your trend analysis and historical reporting across all projects. Capture and synchronize all Project Online and SharePoint data, including out of the box data, custom lists and custom columns. 

  • Automated data sync - DataStore gives the flexibility around how your data is synced. With automatic, event-driven syncing always on, you can also have syncs scheduled, on-demand or any combination.
  • Easily identify issues within projects - Gain full transparency of issues within your projects and easily build data compliance reports.
  • Fully cloud based - Access all data quickly and securely through the Azure SQL database, enabling efficient, real-time reporting.
  • Enterprise level reporting - Providing you with a complete reporting hub, delivering insight on all Project Online data, custom SharePoint data, and current and historic trends.
Contact edison365 today and start making data-driven decisions in a quicker and easier way! 
