edison365ideas - Innovation Management Software
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Harness innovative ideas from your employees and accelerate transformation across your business.
If you are looking to translate ideas into business value, you have come to the right place. Here at edison365, we are passionate about enabling organizations to achieve the full benefits of innovation.
We are a Microsoft Gold Partner and our innovation management platform bridges the gap between ideation and delivery, empowering you to drive the right ideas at an accelerated rate, while ensuring they are delivered successfully and the full value is realized, all within your own Microsoft 365 tenant.
Our innovation management software provides you with a standardized approach to capturing, collaborating and evaluating ideas, helping you to democratize innovation and harness knowledge at scale.
Supporting both top-down and bottom-up innovation approaches, edison365ideas offers a space for employees to share their ideas, along with the ability to use challenges when seeking feedback and ideas from the wider workforce around specific areas of focus.
- Users can access the full functionality of edison365ideas within Microsoft Teams, making collaborating on an idea easy. Users can update idea details, leave comments, rate, vote and attach documents to an idea, without stepping outside the Teams environment.
- edison365ideas supports employee engagement through its gamification feature. Enabling gamification provides employees within your organization the opportunity to invest votes into their favorite ideas, gain points for completing various actions and claim awards using the points they have earned whilst using the software.
- The fully configurable 'idea triage' within edison365ideas provides an objective way of evaluating and rating ideas within the platform against your organization's KPI's.
- You can also leverage edison365ideas to engage your organization’s eco-system of external stakeholders with edison365 Open Innovation. Your internal teams can co-create with the collective intelligence of customers, partners or suppliers and embrace a constantly broadening pool of expertise.
- Review your innovation portfolio in a single window and move ideas through configurable stages. Also create live reports and check real-time statistics for edison365ideas submissions and challenges using Microsoft Power BI.
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