ELO Starting Point

โดย Elo, Sistemas de Informação, Lda

Starting Point is made for managing the punctuality of an organization’s employees

Starting Point is a software, easy to use in the everyday of the organizations, managing the punctuality of an organization’s employees and permitting to offer direct and simplified monthly information on each worker.

Some key points:

• Registration of appointments via the Portal by the user himself, through a user and password;

• Employee record data;

• Identification form (RFID, or Biometric like Fingerprint or Facial);

• Annual calendar of special days, for recording holidays;

• List of appointments by employee;

• List of working/attendance times.

Intuitive, flexible and responsive software for use on any device with a browser.

The solution is scalable to other versions, namely Starter or Performance.

In a simple, economical and fast way, you can obtain advantages such as:

    • Immediate use, based on the SaaS model (software as a service);
    • Transparency of information in real time;
    • Data security, the solution will be hosted on dedicated servers, which follow the best practices and security protocols on the market.
