
โดย G7 Research LLC

Largest library of curated quiz games for Common Core and NGSS. FREE. Grades 2-12. Automatic grading

What is JogNog?
  • Educational videos and practice games curated to the highest educational standards
  • Automated grading that measures a student’s mastery while they play
  • An exciting motivator for students to learn through competitive challenges
  • A learning platform, trusted by teachers for more than a decade
What kind of teachers use it?
  • Teachers that want to spend less time creating and grading quizzes
  • Teachers that enjoy a little team-based competition
  • Science teachers, ELA and Math teachers
  • Middle school, elementary and high school
What teacher problems does JogNog solve?
  • Not enough time to cover all the required state standards
  • Spending too much time creating quizzes and finding videos
  • Spending too much time grading quizzes
  • Kids that aren’t excited or engaged in learning
What can teachers do with JogNog?
  • Introduce new concepts and vocabulary with review and practice games
  • Find and assign 'best of the web' educational videos for students to view at home or in class
  • Hold exciting team-building learning challenges in class or via distance learning
  • Provide exit tickets that encourage students to reflect on what they’ve learned
Why is JogNog better?
  • Grading is automatic with easy to use reports and grade books.
  • JogNog is serious learning. Research has shown significant positive impact on state test scores.
  • Kids love it!
  • JogNog automatically accommodates a student’s level of ability without the teacher having to create customized quizzes.
How well does JogNog work on Microsoft Teams?
  • If you’ve got a Teams account then you’ve got a JogNog account - no additional sign up required
  • JogNog is one of the best integrated educational apps on Teams
  • Complete access to all features and learning content
  • Team rosters are automatically integrated into JogNog classes
What do teachers have to pay?
  • JogNog is 100% free for Microsoft Teams with a maximum of 5 quizzes at a time in each class
  • Purchasing an upgrade allows teachers more that 5 quizzes and some additional features
What does ‘JogNog’ mean?
  • JogNog is short for “Joggin your Noggin” - JogNog helps students remember and master learning concepts
