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An efficient & reliable Call Accounting solution for monitoring and reporting telephony activity
An efficient and reliable Call Accounting software package for monitoring and reporting telephony activity. MagiXBill can be deployed in virtually any enterprise of any size or activity. Telephone costs are easily allocated to various departments, cost centers or individuals. MagiXBill monitors telephony costs and traffic, and notification alerts are sent instantly in case of any misuse or fraud.
MagiXBill business impact:
• Lowers operational costs
• Identifies and alerts of misuse and fraud
• Boosts employee productivity
• Ensures a scalable platform that expands to meet demand
แอปอื่นๆ จาก Middle East Network Solutions - IPMagiX
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MagiX EventMiddle East Network Solutions - IPMagiXTransform Your Events with MagiX Event: The Ultimate Platform for Data-Driven Event Management
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MagiX EduMiddle East Network Solutions - IPMagiXCreate an Engaging and Enjoyable Hybrid Learning Experience for your Students!
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MagiX MallMiddle East Network Solutions - IPMagiXEnables malls to gather, analyze information on shoppers and translate findings into revenue streams
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