MOST Digital RaaS service

โดย Digia Finland Oy

We automate and digitize knowledge work. Bringing robots to everyone! #robotitkuuluvatkaikille

In every work community, there are time-wasting routines, where a robot could help. We strongly believe that robots belong to everyone.

With our platform we automate applications using different robot and machine learning tools in a seamless and flexible manner. Automated process can always be implemented in an optimal manner within every source environment.


  1. Everywhere you need it!
    True Hybrid Integration Platform for EVERY possible source environment
  2. Not just RPA!
    Flexible combination of different Robot, Integration and AI tools
  3. Do it Professional Way!
    100% Python, Enterprise level security, ITIL V3 compatible and much more
  4. Centralize – even with multivendors
    Host and coordinate all your automation with one multivendor platform

100% solid service

  • 100% Cloud service
    From Microsoft Azure with full Azure SLA backing
  • 100% Cover
    All you need as a one service package: Robot tools, AI/ML solutions, Hosting services and environments, Management components, Surveillance solutions, Data warehousing, Continuous services, And much more…
  • 100% pay-as-you-go service
    No vendor locks.
  • 100% Secure
    The whole service has been built on highest level security requirements – Audit and we’ll deliver!
  • 100% supported
    As an additional service get high level professional help with: Process optimization, Change and Portfolio Management, Digitalization Transfer, And more…
  • 100% modular
    Use any tools you like (open source preferred). Have your source code as Python 3 modules at Github. Work as you wish, no strings attached.
  • 100% DIY-able
    If you just know how to dance with your Python
