Plexure Retail Personalization

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Increase average transaction value and optimize customer engagement through personalized experiences

Personalizing Retail

Increase your customers’ spend and visit frequency by making CRM live and personal with the Internet of Things.

Extending CRM

Plexure extends your CRM through live data feeds and sensors and devices in physical locations. This live data and real-time context combines with existing data to bring customers to you and influence them in personalized ways while there.

Many Plexure clients already have valuable CRMs like Microsoft Dynamics and Adobe Campaign. Plexure extends these into the real world, in real time. There's no waiting for transaction batches or reporting cycles; observe and measure the effectiveness of each interaction and adjust your strategy in real time.

Personalization in action

Encourage customers in by combining live contextual information – proximity and weather - along with data you already have – preferences and buying patterns.

Explore combinations of data collected in real time – in-store location, product interactions, sensor proximity and more. Using live data to help and influence your individual consumers is immediate and measurable. With each new project, our clients measure very specific and significant returns through increased transaction value and customer engagement.
