National Consumer Insights
โดย SimmonsAI
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Delivering the mindset of the American consumer
Simmons National Consumer Insights (powered by the Simmons National Consumer Study) brings consumer targets to life with vivid and complete profiles, including lifestyles, attitudes, brand preferences and media use. The high quality, nationally representative study is the result of a comprehensive, continuously fielded survey of approximately 25,000 U.S. adults, including over 7,500 English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanics.
Released quarterly, National Consumer Insights utilizes a patented, single-frame sample design.
แอปอื่นๆ จาก SimmonsAI
TV Viewer InsightsSimmonsAIGo beyond demographics when profiling TV audiences
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NaN out of 3
Cross-Platform Media InsightsSimmonsAIConnect consumers across the entire media ecosystem
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NaN out of 3
Local Consumer InsightsSimmonsAITurn actionable insights into targeted geographies
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NaN out of 3