TimeFleX Solutions - Desk Sharing

โดย SDFE GmbH

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The new Way of Work

"Employees book desks easily and efficiently via TimeFleX Desk Sharing"

The advantages of Desk Sharing

  • Book from anywhere, at any time via web, outlook, mobile, kiosk or desk device
  • Enable optional check-in by desk device (NFC/RFID), QR code or NFC ticker via mobile app or the web application itself
  • Meets your needs while ensuring close collaboration with the team: ind colleagues quickly and easily (rights-dependent)
  • The changing office space supports dynamics at work the office is perceived from new perspectives
  • Rule management: set up groups of individually selected areas in which you can book desks or set limits on bookings
  • Supports individual policy options for your company

Increase your hidden potential...

With our desksharing solution companies can optimize and increase their efficiency. We offer a solution that lets you optimally support your employees.

Based on rights-dependent attributes, locations, buildings and floors, desks can be easily allocated and reserved. The graphic user interface helps with orientation. If an employee is looking for a colleague to collaborate with, the system displays him and the closest available table. Benefit from opportunities such as cost savings, flexibility, employer branding and much more.

Our optional 3.5" deskbooking panel PC is designed to mount effortlessly on any surface without causing damage. USB power cords are specially designed to be tamper-proof and prevent vandalism to the device. The LED shows the status of the desk from a distance.

TimeFleX Solutions: the all-in-one solution for your company.

It was important to the TimeFleX Solutions Team to give companies the possibility to facilitate their daily work through intelligent software solutions. Our goal was to move away from isolated applications to a uniform modular system.

TimeFleX Solutions is the product of vision. You can dynamically adapt to the requirements of your company. Our modules can be freely combined - ONE installation for any number of locations.

Put an end to ambiguities and duplicated work in scheduling. We have a wide range of solutions within a single installation. This allows companies to be flexible to their own requirements and not have to commit at the outset.

Decide which software modules you need! If your requirements change, TimeFleX will adapt your package and add the modules you. Keep an overview.

TimeFleX Solutions: Another step toward the smart office

  • Group Calendar
  • Desk Sharing
  • Service Requests
  • Room Panel
  • MeetingFinder

Can also be used as an MS Outlook or MS Teams plug-in.

Your TimeFleX Solutions Team
