Adology: Workshop 6- Days Teams Adoption

Consultores e Ingenieros Consein CA

ADOLOGY: Workshop 6- Days Teams Adoption Facilitate the use of Microsoft Teams adoption. Integration of various Microsoft 365 tools as if they were pieces and not individual solutions.

Adology has been structured based on business horizontalities. The analysis of the different business areas is integrated with the characteristics of the tools to result in applicability in the main tasks of each department. In this way, the use of the tools remains at high rates. Policy setting at the department level also makes it easy to use.

Creating a more integrated and collaborative world with Microsoft Teams.

Facilitate the use of Microsoft Teams adoption. Integration of various Microsoft 365 tools as if they were pieces and not individual solutions.

With the objective of empowering employees in the establishment of policies, roles, responsibilities and planning according to the business area and to get the most out of the Microsoft 365 platform.

Training Adology – Microsfot Teams Adoption Methodology

Consulting - Day 1 (4 Hours) Understanding Discovery Sessions

Design - Day 2 (4 Hours) Logical Construction of the Work Environment

Drafting - Day 3 (4 Hours) Establishment of Rules Policies Best Practices

Development - Day 4 (4 Hours) Construction of the Physical work Environment

Training - Day 5 (4 Hours) Office 365 training and / or Work Environment

Follow Up - Day 6 (4 Hours) Sessions to Evaluate Progress and Make Adjustments

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