Power BI Data Modeling: Data modeling tutorial for Controllers

IT-Logix AG

Our self-paced hands-on tutorial will help you get started with professional controlling based on Power BI with the option of using Excel for evaluations and visualizations.

If you recognize yourself in the following questions, we have just the right tool for you with the Power BI hands-on tutorial for controllers:

  • Do you know which figures are relevant to you, but find it difficult to create a suitable model and link your data in a meaningful way?
  • Do you want a model with your data that you can use to answer your questions, but don't know how to map your processes in the data?
  • You don't dare to take the step to Power BI yet because you don't know where to start and how to map your Excel evaluation?
  • Have you heard of facts and dimensions, but don't know exactly what Ralph Kimball has to do with them?
  • Do you want to enable your team to compile the required data professionally?


Iteration 1 (Initial Data Mart): Model the core process of invoicing - selling a certain product at a certain time to a certain price

  • Calendar Date Dimensions
  • Denormalized Flattened Dimensions and Dimension Surrogate Keys
  • Transaction Fact Tables, Additive Facts and Fact Table Surrogate Keys
  • Header/Line Fact Tables and Allocated Facts
  • Degenerate Dimensions
  • Numeric Values as Attributes or Facts

Iteration 2 (OLAP-Operations): Enhance your Model with customers, location information, sales manager and budgeting information

  • Balanced Hierarchies (Fixed Depth Positional Hierarchies)
  • Flags and Indicators as Textual Dimension Attributes
  • Null Attributes in Dimensions -Multipass Queries to Avoid Fact-to-Fact Table Joins
  • Nulls in Fact Tables

Iteration 3 (Budget Variance Analysis): Deep-dive into the hierarchies of your product

  • Parent-Child-Hierarchies (Ragged/Variable Depth Hierarchies)

Take advantage of the extended modeling options that Power BI offers you. You can still perform your usual analysis in Excel. If you opt for our tutorial, you can expect the following benefits:

  • After this hands-on tutorial, you will know the most important design patterns and will have implemented them independently.
  • You will have a solid basis for implementing your data requirements independently in the future.
  • You can also use the documents as a reference work for later research.
  • The knowledge is tried and tested and is limited to the most important things that you will encounter in your everyday life.
  • The tutorial provides you with all the tools you need to take your first steps towards professionalization - no frills, no extra costs.

With 20+ years of experience in the field of Data Warehousing and Analytics and exciting customer references across numerous industries, IT-Logix would be delighted to become your trusted data advisor to deliver excellent results and short time-to-value also to your business.

We would love to: Let your data speak!

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