Lighthouse Protect & Govern Sensitive Data Workshop: 4 Wk

Lighthouse Global

A hands-on engagement delivered in a workshop format with everything you need to better discover, protect, and govern your corporate data.

Not long ago, managing data just meant dealing with documents and emails. Pervasive digital technology and the rapid shift to remote work have greatly expanded the information universe. Much of that data becomes stale or unused immediately after creation and contains information that could impose a compliance risk. Over 80% of corporate data is dark, which means it is not classified, protected or governed.

At the end of this workshop, experts in Microsoft technologies and compliance will provide you with:

-Data Risk Check report that includes findings and insights from the automated discovery process.

-A list of recommendations and actionable next steps to mitigate the identified privacy and regulatory risks.

-Insight into Microsoft’s approach to mitigating and controlling privacy and regulatory risks as well as understanding how to leverage Microsoft 365 tools.

-Purview Compliance Manager Tenant Assessment report with suggestions and top key improvement actions.

-A set of long-term recommendations on your compliance  strategy, with key initiatives and tactical next steps.

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