Communications Strategy: 3 Day Workshop

Slalom Consulting

This workshop will help you utilize a communications portal as part of a Comprehensive Employee Messaging plan to transform your internal communications with SharePoint Online and Microsoft Viva.

How do you know you've got an employee communications problem?

* Do Users see your Messaging as Spam?
* Do you have Uninformed Users?
* Do you have a Communications Strategy?

During this three day workshop, Slalom will help you discover the current state of your environment, envision with you the Art of the Possible by reviewing scenarios involving SharePoint Online and Microsoft Viva - Connections, then work with you and your IT team to come up with a plan and develop a roadmap to your own Comprehensive Employee Messaging plan.

SharePoint Online is your mobile, intelligent intranet for simple sharing and seamless collaboration, to engage and inform your organization, harness collective knowledge, and transform business processes.

Microsoft Viva - Connections is the gateway to a modern employee experience. With this technology, you can keep everyone in the flow of work, keep everyone connected, and empower everyone's voice.

Slalom's plan will be user-experience driven first and cover the following areas:

Check out our One Pager and Pitch Deck for more details!

Day 1: Discovery
Day 2: Art of the Possible and Scenario
Day 3: Plan with IT and Present Roadmap

Contact Slalom today to discuss your Communications Strategy!

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