ForNAV E-invoicing
yayıncı: ForNAV
ZUGFeRD E-Invoicing Invoices Electronic Standards Regulations Compliance X-Rechnung Factur-X FacturX
The ForNAV ZUGFeRD extension ensures that Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central users can meet e-invoicing standards and comply with existing and upcoming mandatory regulations for electronic invoicing.
The advantages of electronic invoicing are numerous: you can eliminate the need for traditional paper-based invoices, reduce manual effort, minimize errors, and accelerate payment processing. Using digital technologies to create, send, receive, and archive invoices in a structured electronic format makes it easier for businesses to automate invoice processing, track payments, and maintain compliance with tax regulations.
And for customers in some countries, such as Germany and France, it’s becoming mandatory to use e-invoicing. These regulations help to fight tax fraud, simplify administrative procedures, and transition to digital financial transactions.
Developed in Germany, ZUGFeRD (short for Central User Guide of the Forum for Electronic Invoices Germany) uses PDF/A-3, a standard PDF format, combined with an embedded XML file to create universally compatible invoices that can be read and understood by humans while also being processed efficiently by computer systems. The invoice is accessible to all, regardless of the recipient's technological capabilities, while also enabling automated data extraction and processing.
Benefits of the ForNAV ZUGFeRD solution:
· Allows you to create ZUGFeRD compliant invoicing and stay competitive.
· Supports all ZUGFeRD invoices as well as Factur-X (XML embedded in PDF) and X-Rechnung profiles (XML).
· Works for invoices & credit notes, and other document types can easily be added.
· Supports ForNAV reports and documents as well as standard Microsoft RDLC and Word documents.
· Comes with a set of Business Central Tables representing a superset of profiles.
· Provides a default mapping to Business Central Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Memo, Purchase Invoice and Purchase Credit Memo documents. The mapping is performed in events that can be overridden/modified in AL-code.
Get started with ForNAV ZUGFeRD quickly:
· Download the ForNAV ZUGFeRD App here.
· For existing customers of the ForNAV Customizable Report Pack, there is no additional cost.
· Simple and fast to install the extension.
· No additional setup required to support standard Business Central application functionality.
· It works out of the box, without any additional cost for consultancy or extra coding.
· Easily modify it to support any customizations of Business Central document tables or to support other ZUGFeRD document types.
Get the ForNAV ZUGFeRD solution to stay compliant and be competitive with all your e-invoicing requirements. Download the ForNAV ZUGFerD App, and automatically get support for ZUGFeRD.