DYCE Time Tracking

yayıncı: Singhammer IT Consulting AG

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Easy to use time tracking web app with an integration to invoice time recordings.

Where did the time go?

Approximately 20% of billable hours get lost because project time recordings are created belated, inaccurate or not at all. Complexity and lack of usability make it tedious and time-consuming to enter and track time recordings in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. In the worst case, time recordings are wrong, requiring editing by the project manager or are never invoiced, at all. This directly impacts your outcome and the profitability of your projects.

At last: time recording is almost fun

Save work for yourself and your co-workers. With DYCE Time Tracking you can expect not only a clean and user-friendly interface, but also - in combination with DYCE Project Billing - a powerful tool for billing project time recordings. Due to the fact that the capture of time recordings is much easier and faster with DYCE Time Tracking, more billable time recordings will be reported on time. At the end of the month the project manager is happy, the accounting department is satisfied, and earnings are high.

DYCE Time Tracking is integrated in Azure DevOps and Atlassian Jira

By using the area tree in Azure DevOps to create a mapping to tasks, you can create time recordings with just one click. All necessary information for invoicing these time recordings is prefilled by the mapping. The setup for Jira is just as easy.


  • Quick and easy time recording with one click
  • Templates to speed up recording of recurrent tasks and activities
  • Clean and intuitive interface for convenient time recording
  • Self-explanatory dashboard of actual/recorded times
  • Dark mode setting for comfortable viewing
  • Display Outlook appointments
  • Create time recordings based on Outlook appointments

Supported countries

Available in all markets

Supported editions

Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Supported languages

English and German

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