d.velop connect for Dynamics 365 FO

yayıncı: d.velop AG

Seamlessly connect your Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O to your d.velop ECM.

Seamlessly connect your Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O to your d.velop document management system (DMS), whether it is d.velop documents, a hybrid operated d.velop documents (on premises) or d.velop documents for Microsoft 365. Once they are fully integrated, you can easily and securely store all documents and records in your document management system⁠ - the central information hub in your company⁠ - directly from your ERP software. But we don't want to stop there. It add's endpoints for the synchronisation of master and transaction data for our d.velop invoices suite and to create invoice objects with and without PO out of the attached business process.

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