My Saved Messages

yayıncı: OOO RD17

(1 derecelendirmeler)

Allows you to send messages to yourself and save any message for later

Send message to the bot in the private conversation or using message extensions menu and bot will store it for you in one place for usage at a later time.

Extremely useful bot when you want to take a quick note for yourself, and jump onto another computer or phone or whatever and see the message right there.

Later on you can perform full text search through all saved messages instantly.

What you can do:

- Save any message for later use

- Perform a full-text search through all saved messages

- Save time & be more productive

"The app can help you, especially when you work on multiple desktops both remote and local and need to copy some content and use it on another machine." - 2020, RD17 LLC, Moscow, Russia

Have questions or want to learn more? Drop us a line at

Uygulama özellikleri

Bu uygulama kullanıldığında
  • İnternet üzerinden veri gönderebilir
  • Bu uygulama, etkin iletide telefon numaraları, posta adresleri veya URL'ler gibi kişisel bilgilere erişebilir. Uygulama, bu verileri bir üçüncü taraf hizmetine gönderebilir. Posta kutunuzdaki diğer öğeler okunamaz veya değiştirilemez.

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