Titan- Salesforce composer for Excel

yayıncı: FormTitan, Inc.

Export your data from Salesforce to excel sheets. Conditional logic and multi objects- Titan style!

Export your Salesforce data into excel sheet via Titan connector.

Layout, formulas, conditional logic, lookup field, related list and more.

Automate your export via process builder, flow, apex and via Titan forms.

Preview, download and email the data based on any data change event or a form submission.

*You must have a paid Titan subscription

*You must have a valid Salesforce account with API enabled.

Uygulama özellikleri

Bu uygulama kullanıldığında
  • Belgenizi okuyabilir veya belgenizde değişiklik yapabilir
  • İnternet üzerinden veri gönderebilir

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