Banana Accounting Excel Reports

yayıncı: SA

Create Excel reports and keep them up to date using Banana Accounting data.

By using this add-in you can create customized Excel reports using Banana Accounting data. The add-in enables you to retrieve all the necessary data directly from the Banana Accounting documents in a very simple and intuitive way.

Once the report has been created you can keep the Excel Sheet up to date with just one click. There is no need to recreate everything each time the data in the accounting change.

Note: this add-in requires the latest version of Banana Experimental 8 for Windows or Mac.

Uygulama özellikleri

Bu uygulama kullanıldığında
  • Belgenizi okuyabilir veya belgenizde değişiklik yapabilir
  • İnternet üzerinden veri gönderebilir

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