HLi Sales Dashboard
yayıncı: HLI TUNISIA
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Sales Analytics Dashboard For Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM
This application is available in English and French.
HLi is a Microsoft Partner with an extended expertise and experience in the integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365 – Customer Engagement. HLi has developed several Addons with a high business value to several sectors (Banking, Insurance, Automotive, Telecom and Pharmaceutical).
As one of the companies most requested products, HLi Sales Dashboard intends to present tangible insights on sales data. Designed to be decision-making oriented, it helps to evaluate and to investigate the results of sales operations, providing and efficient extension to optimize the resources. Based on Dynamics 365 CRM Online, specifically Sales module, our product allows all categories of clients whether it is banking, telecommunication, insurance or other industries to :
- Meaningful charts and statistics on sales operations
- Insightful data-based business oriented comparative presentation.
- Efficient sale trends modeling
- Concrete decision making based on the gained insights
The dashboard presents a multitude of added values such as:
- Running targeted measures on sales statistics to obtain a better overview
- Evaluating the results against desired outcomes in order to assess the performance
- Concrete decision-making models that helps with the determination of gaps
- Get the proper understanding when numbers get seriously defected.
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