
yayıncı: CoLabs

All-in-one CLM platform powered by AI

For companies looking to transform their contract management process, IntelAgree offers an AI-powered contract lifecycle management (CLM) platform that helps teams do impactful work, not busy work. The platform uses machine learning to identify, extract, and analyze text in agreements, making contract analytics more accessible. IntelAgree also uses intelligent automation to optimize every part of the contract lifecycle process, so teams can create, negotiate, sign, manage, and analyze contracts faster.

Whether your organization still relies too heavily on manual methods, or your contract lifecycle management software isn’t keeping pace with technological advances, it’s time to stop wasting valuable resources and start seeing results. You can minimize these pitfalls once and for all with an end-to-end solution that stops revenue leakage, fosters collaboration, and provides organization-wide visibility into contracts.

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