Shiftconnector® - Improving worker productivity through seamless shift handover

yayıncı: eschbach GmbH

Connecting humans and technology for safer, smarter, and stronger manufacturing plants

Shiftconnector® - Enabling Shopfloor Teams for Safer and Smarter Plant Operations

Empower your manufacturing team with an advanced enterprise platform specifically developed for the process industry. Shiftconnector® is an intuitive solution that allows manufacturing teams to manage, monitor and optimize plant operations around work activities and production assets. A fully implemented plant process management (PPM) solution, such as Shiftconnector® provides a real-time view of work procedures and tasks. This also includes the recording and status of any incidents or outliers to normal plant operation.

Shift Handovers are the most important 15 minutes at your Plant

The effectiveness of critical minutes has a significant impact on the safety, quality, and performance of the hours right after the relief team has taken over. Should this be left up to mountains of individual emails, spreadsheets, and PDFs? No. The effort expended here, with each plant doing their own thing ends up costing more and inhibits seamless communications within the team and across departments.

Transparent Knowledge-Sharing

Leverage knowledge and process-relevant information across shift teams and sites. With a solution which provides a guided structure of how plant statuses are documented, prisonizations are set and communicated, everyone from the shopfloor team has the latest information – easy and fast. This not only safes time, but also brings safety and efficiency forward. As leading software provider in the process industry, Shiftconnector® is trusted by market leaders in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. It supports their shift workers and managers to track compliance, ensure safety and improve performance. This provides a trackable, single source of truth for communication between front-line personnel and managers to ensure smoother operations and build a learning organization.

Global Settings and Local Adaptations

However, contextual information may reside in various data silos, such as your LIMS, CMMS or MES system. With interfaces to all process-relevant systems such as maintenance notification systems, shift teams can use one single source of truth. IT and OT senior managers like Shiftconnector® because it integrates with different enterprise applications such as Process Historian Server as well as with CMMS and ERP. It has been proven at large scale with many global rollouts. Additionally, Shiftconnector offers user-friendly visualizations which are highly configurable to the team’s needs and local standards.

Future-proof Batch Operations

Shopfloor teams can then dive into history and see more data from former situations and circumstances. This information is the source of continuous improvement helping to improve your processes by retrieving relevant root causes. Further, the documentation of human knowledge is crucial for efficient plant operations in times of the great crew change. Since a huge number of employees retire in the next five years, companies in the process industry must take action now to not lose their tacit knowledge in their plants collected over decades.

Ready for Industry 5.0?

Pharmaceutical and chemical companies are exactly the place for a best-of-breed application like Shiftconnector®, which connects people with their innate human intelligence and enables information to be reconciled with machine data and consumable by AI. The concept of Industry 5.0 puts the human factor back into the center of manufacturing. In this way, Shiftconnector® empowers shift teams with transparent knowledge sharing, digital machine-data, additional modules such as automated warnings, and AI-based solution suggestions.

We inspire industrial teams to work smarter.

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