Solar PV App

yayıncı: Orxa Grid Ltd

Optimise the size of your proposed Solar PV Installation .

This app is for use by building owners who would like to save money on their energy bills by installing Solar Panels on their roof. This tool will calculate the optimal size of the proposed Solar PV installation to maximize the financial return.


Consumers (Residential, Commercial and Industries) who would like a simple and accurate tool to understand solar PV impact on their property within minutes. The tool helps consumers

-To have a better understanding of the impact of solar installation at their property

-To identify the ideal power mix quickly to reduce energy costs and Co2 emissions


The online software obtains and analyses datasets to determine potential of solar installation specific to the user and their site. The solar site selection model will retrieve data from multiple data sources. The inputs to the model are

· Location (latitude/longitude) of site

· Site information (Orientation, angle and surface area of roof)

· Historic energy usage for the specific site for accurate energy demand prediction

· Tariff information

The model will determine the ideal solar PV size that will maximize the financial savings, solar energy generation and Co2 saved at the selected site.


The App is available free for use. The app site is Solar PV App

You can also access the version 2.0 of our app using FREE account for limited number of results Low Carbon App V2


OrxaGrid helps consumers increase their sustainable energy sources and optimize the sources to reduce carbon footprint.

You can access our website for more details  Orxa Grid

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