Prometeia Climate Risk: Transition Risk Engine


Provide Banks a comprehensive ESG solutions, with a blend of economic research & model development

How will new rules on Climate Change affect companies' financial statements, ESG ratings, and carbon emissions and how will it translate into their creditworthiness?

The Transition Risk Engine solution is a comprehensive framework that provides Banks a quantitative overview of the sensitivity of the non-financial corporation (NFC) portfolio in a short, medium, and long-term perspective, depending on the type of climate scenario considered.

Key Benefits:

  • Engineered solution, flexible once single-name data are available
  • Full packaged solution including the supply of climatic scenarios that can be fully customized
  • Unique methodological track record
  • Turnkey and cost-effective approach
  • Scale in the updating of future regulatory requirements/business needs

How we can help:

  • End-to-end support to the Regulatory Climate Stress Test (CST)
  • Treasury strategy optimization measuring Green Risk Factor
  • Credit Portfolio Alignment with Net Zero Emission roadmaps
  • Climate-related lending and advisory risks and opportunities
  • Insurance Risk Premium estimation for Physical Risk Coverage
  • ESG Data framework and questionnaires

Contact Prometeia Sales for a customized subscription pricing of the Transaction Risk Engine on Azure. Please contact to learn more.

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