Discovery, Analysis, Migration: 1 hour Assessment


Prepare your IT architecture for the future and take your first step towards protecting against data migration security risk and onboard and educate your workforce for a seamless cloud transition.

A Complete Microsoft Gold Partner Data Migration Assessment for Microsoft 365:

Our team of strategic consultants and technical experts are experienced in unlocking business opportunity with technologies that transform productivity, increase automation, and stimulate business value. Our tried and tested formula for cloud modernisation includes discovery workshops, data analysis and strategic roadmaps. Start your journey to the cloud with a complete assessment of your environment from a verified:

  • Microsoft Gold Partner
  • Microsoft Preferred Content Services Partner
  • How we can help?

  • Transfer data from IBM connection, Legacy SharePoint sites, Dropbox data stores and on-premise files
  • Utilising RPA for improved migration accuracy
  • Ensure a secure process without any data loss
  • Secured information protection
  • Driven by data modernisation and real-time Intelligence
  • Hyper flexible and personalised experience
  • Provide agile business roadmaps and allow for data scale
  • What’s Involved?

  • Business Requirements and success criteria Document
  • The provision of consulting led deliverables
  • Use case Identification
  • Priority list created in line with organisational vision and ethos
  • Automated analysis to identify data structure
  • Platform Rollout Roadmap
  • Our Expertise:

    We offer a personalised overview of how your organisation can leverage the capabilities of Microsoft 365, giving you an insight into the potential future of your organisation. With a wealth of consulting experience behind us we can provide clients with a thorough cloud readiness assessment. Should you choose to harness the knowledge gained at this assessment stage and you have the qualifying business readiness, Konsolute recommends our complete Data Migration Implementation for 365.

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