SharePoint Power Platform Managed Services

Sileo Technology Solutions, Llc.

Maximize SharePoint and the Power Platform's Potential with Expert Managed Services


Many organizations struggle to maximize the potential of SharePoint and the Microsoft 365 Power Platform, often facing challenges related to user adoption, system integration, and ongoing support. SharePoint is a robust platform, but it requires expertise to fully harness its capabilities and ensure that it aligns with business objectives. Without the right team and approach, organizations may find themselves with underutilized SharePoint environments that fail to deliver the expected value. At SileoTech, we understand the complexities and potential of SharePoint, and we offer our comprehensive SharePoint Power Platform Managed Services to address these challenges. Our unique focus on SharePoint/PowerPlatform service delivery is what sets us apart.

What We Will Deliver

  • Assessment: We will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your organization's SharePoint environment, evaluating its current state, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and providing strategic recommendations for optimization.
  • Technical Delivery: We follow a structured Software Development Lifecycle Process (SDLP) that emphasizes requirements, usability, and iterative development. Our approach includes Envisioning, Planning, Developing, Stabilizing, Deploying, and ongoing Support & Maintenance.
  • Multi-disciplinary Team of Experts: Our team consists of SharePoint Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from various disciplines, ensuring that every aspect of your SharePoint solution aligns with your business needs. We provide the skills and experience required to plan, implement, and execute solutions effectively, utilizing out-of-the-box features whenever possible.
  • Solutions Architects: Our architects are Microsoft-certified specialists with expertise in SharePoint, Microsoft 365, and the Power Platform. They will work closely with the team to understand your objectives and ensure a well-planned technical implementation.
  • Business Analysts with Power User Expertise: Our Business Analysts are experienced with SharePoint and the Power Platform. They help you define and align your requirements with SharePoint solutions, offering low code/no code options to streamline processes.
  • Software Engineers for Custom Solutions: Our software engineers develop custom solutions such as web parts, timer jobs, and integrations with various enterprise systems, ensuring seamless functionality and integration.
  • User Interface and User Experience Specialists: Our UI/UX experts create intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that encourage adoption and usage. We align the design with your existing style guide and incorporate elements from industry best practices to enhance usability. We transform SharePoint interfaces to be as intuitive, and user-friendly as a smartphone, enhancing user adoption and productivity. We provide wireframes and graphical compositions aligned with your style guide.
  • Change Management: Our experienced change management team collaborates with your organization to ensure the full realization of the solution's value and its proper usage.
  • Systems Integration: We integrate SharePoint with key systems within your organization, eliminating silos and streamlining business processes. Our team works with APIs, web services, and web hooks to ensure seamless integration.
  • Post Deployment Technical Support: Our Level-1 and Level-2 support services are available during business hours, with off-hours support as needed. We ensure response and resolution times for various types of support requests, including major system outages.

Our SharePoint Managed Services are designed to empower your organization with a fully optimized and supported SharePoint environment, enhancing collaboration, productivity, and overall business performance.

Who should attend

The engagement is designed for decision-makers such as:

  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)
  • Human Resources
  • Business Stakeholders
  • Program and Project Management
  • Business Development

Why SileoTech

Sileo Tech is driven by the potential of partnership, recognizing technology as our catalyst for advancement. Yet, the journey to excellence hinges on a thorough, client-centered collaboration. We understand that embracing innovation requires more than just tools; it demands a shared vision and synergy of efforts. With a profound understanding of the landscape, we are poised to lead you forward. Consider us not only as experts but as guides who navigate the intricate paths of progress. Your success is our shared destination, and together, we will forge ahead toward new horizons.

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