Advanced General Ledger for Italy

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Manage simulated general ledger transactions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Do you want to post G/L entries in a simulation journal? Do you need to manage accruals and deferrals entries? Do you want to post simulation entries for fixed assets depreciation?

Advanced General Ledger for Italy allows you to post general ledger entries in a simulation journal, without affecting the General Ledger.
This app extends Advanced General Ledger app with specific local functionalities.

With our app you can manage simulation entries for the following tasks:
  • general journal registration
  • accruals and deferrals entries based on posted sales and purchase invoices
  • invoice to be issued or received entries based on posted shipments and receipts
  • depreciation entries based on fixed assets transactions
  • define allocation model to reallocate costs on documents before posting.
  • define cost driving rules to reallocate your accounting transactions based on a percentage weight.
The accounting model provided with this app is based on a Year-To-Date analysis. Accruals and Deferrals are posted on a Competence at Date calculation with entries automatically reversed at the beginning of the next period (month, quarter, year).

Features and benefits of using this app:

  • View and navigate simulation entries using the Simulation G/L Register.
  • Include simulation entries in your Account Schedules or Analysis Views.
  • Include simulation entries in the main accounting reports, such as Trial Balance and Detail Trial Balance.
  • Save time in calculating accruals and deferrals using a batch job.
  • Reallocate dimension values on transactions with the Cost Driving schema.

Click the Get it now button and start managing simulation entries in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Advanced General Ledger for Italy is available for free. A valid subscription to Advanced General Ledger app is requested.

Supported editions:

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries:


Supported languages:

This app is available in English and Italian.

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