BE-terna Commerce Interface

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A module for connecting web shops to Business Central

BE-terna Commerce Interface connects your webshops with Business Central.


BE-terna Commerce Interface connects BC with webshops directly so that BC end users can import and export data at the BC front end. The webshop data is transferred directly to the Business Central without any third-party involvement.


  • Any number of webshop channels (webshops) can be created in the system
  • No need for a third-party account: Your webshop data is transferred directly from your webshop without any third-party involvement!
  • BE faster than your competitors: Without detours in data transmission and an extensive documentation you will import your Sales orders, Returns and Reservations and also export changes in Webshop documents, Contacts and Item master data in no time!
  • Automatic checking the imported data and automatic converting it into BC documentations can be defined through using job queue entry.
  • Sync your order status with your webshop.
  • Configure Checks before releasing items to your webshop.
  • Assigne dynamic or free text attributes to your Items
  • Maintain your Webshop-Item properties directly on the Item card for each webshop channel and language

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