Item Configuration
Видавець: Dhyey Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
A complete solution for Item Configuration with Dynamics 365 Business Central
Item Configuration
Many companies spend too much time searching for items in their information system. Although the information is available, the item cannot be found immediately because the information is not organized in a logical and consistent way. Using Item classification, user can work on purchasing, sales and Production activity using many different dimensions of item characteristics.
Item Configuration add-on classify and managed thousands of items in structured way. It helps to increase the accessibility of item data as it enables user to set up a classification and coding system that quickly retrieves items.
· Setting up Classification structure using Configurator/Category codes.
· Classify parameter codes.
· Coding rules, prefix, suffix and sequence.
· Generates item code as per rules defined, it alerts and does not create duplicate item code.
· Auto Item description creation based on rules.
· It also auto creates Production BOM header for newly coded Product.
· It creates Item reference / Cross reference no. for procurement, sales, service, spares and external use. It is useful when you and your vendor or customer use different terms for item.
· It counts length of code and description, and alert when it exceeds.
Supported Editions
This app supports the Essential and Premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Countries
Canada, India, United Kingdom, and United States. Supported Languages English only.