Bank 365

Видавець: Professional Advantage North America

Automate sending bank payment files & downloading statements for Australian businesses

Revolutionise how your Accounts Payable team manages your Australian banking operations.

Bank 365 is a banking operations process accelerator that helps you to:

  • easily incorporate electronic fund transfer (EFT) processing

  • streamline bank statement reconciliations

  • heighten security of vendor bank account details, payment data and files

  • improve BPAY payment tracking and control

  • produce and secure a direct debit file that conforms to the format accepted by most Australian banks

  • import bank statements directly into Business Central for reconciliation within the standard Business Central functionality

  • ensure files generated from Business Central are successfully processed by Australian banks

  • 'reject' direct debit collection entries.

By adopting Bank 365, organisations can significantly reduce the amount of time spent on paying creditors, as well as alleviate concerns about the security of the payment process and the accuracy of the bank balance. This extension streamlines the payment process, providing enhanced security measures and enabling efficient financial record-keeping, ultimately improving overall financial management and reducing administrative burdens.

Bank 365 eliminates lag, saves time and reduces risk by strengthening the security, accuracy and efficiency of your financial payment transactions.

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