m-hance NfP 365 Accelerator

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NfP 365 Accelerator stores and organises data about supporters, donors and volunteers in one place.

As a smaller charity, you may not have the funds, resources, technical skills or time to research and invest in modern technology that is right for your charity. You may be using basic systems or spreadsheets to contain all the information relating to the people who support, volunteer or donate to your charity. These systems and processes may not be connected to each other, meaning that information is kept in multiple places and is difficult to manage and share amongst your team. This leads to data inaccuracies, along with data security and compliance issues.

NfP 365 Accelerator is a single database that brings all your data together and has been built on the foundation of Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator and its Common Data Model. It sits in the Microsoft Cloud and comes pre-built with a standard core system and set of fields, for example your Accounts and Contacts. We have then added enhanced charity-specific features that will improve the way your charity can operate. It can also integrate with other systems so that you can view a complete and accurate picture of all the information you are storing.

The NfP 365 Accelerator will help your charity to:

  • Increase your efficiency by automating many of your processes
  • Improve decision making as you gain access to accurate insights which enable you to plan your future fundraising activity accordingly
  • Increase your income because you can see which activities have had the most success and do more of them
  • Enhance data security and compliance as you can decide who has access to what information. You can also demonstrate auditability and accountability to the people who need it

What’s included?

  • Securely store your information: NfP 365 Accelerator provides a place for your charity to house and organise every piece of information you have regarding the people who volunteer, support or donate to your organisation. What’s more, this information is held securely and enables you to ensure compliance with any relevant data protection regulations including GDPR
  • Manage your volunteers: from the moment a person applies to become a volunteer, NfP 365 Accelerator helps you to vet and approve every person and then store their information securely. Their skills can be documented so you can deploy them to appropriate tasks, plus volunteers can capture every hour they volunteer and connect it to specific tasks
  • Organise your fundraising events: NfP 365 Accelerator will allow you to easily coordinate your costs, staffing, donations, volunteers, email communications and more from one place. This information will then feed into custom-built reports
  • Monitor your donations: with NfP 365 Accelerator you will be able to see where donations have come from through to where the money has been spent, giving you complete traceability of every donation

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