Power Reconcile For Excel

Видавець: Appsense Inc.

(15 оцінки)

This Excel Add-In will help you create a reconciliation report automatically, with 3 easy steps.

As a financial specialist, have you spent tons of time reconciling accounts every month? Have you wondered if the reconcile job can be done as easy as 1-2-3 and you can get a report within a minute?

Here, allow me to introduce Power Reconcile Add-In for Microsoft Excel. In just 3 steps, you can get the reconcile report you wished within seconds.

1. Configure the vendor statement, choose the reference column and amount column

2. Configure for the AP account, choose the reference column and amount column

3. Click the Report button,

Voila, you get the reconcile report created for you in seconds.

In this report, you will find the records being divided into 4 categories.

1. Perfect Match - Both reference and value amounts are perfectly matched

2. Half Match - Only references are matched, the value amounts are different between vendor statement and AP account

3. Datatable A Only - There are no records matched in the Datatable B

4. Datatable B Only - There are no records matched in the Datatable A

You can use the provided slicer to filter the category that you are interested in to dig deeper.

To customize the final report, we've added additional options to set Reverse Sign, or to include additional columns in the final report.

To improve the reconciliation result, we've provided the most popular function called "Manual Reconcile", which allows you to quickly filter, match and then save the manual reconciliation results back to the final report.

Start your one-week free trial, simply by signing up using your existing Microsoft or Google email account.

You will need to purchase a plan after the one-week free trial ended.

Important note:

Microsoft 365 or new versions are recommended. Older version of Microsoft Excel that uses Internet Explorer 11 is not supported.

Можливості програми

Коли ця програма використовується, вона
  • читати документ і вносити в нього зміни
  • надсилати дані через Інтернет

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