

(1 оцінки)

No more manual stickies and lack of overview of ordered accommodation. Order food for meeting add-in

VisionCatering is an Add-in for Office365 for digital orders for food and beverages to meetings, where the order is made at the same time as the booking of meetings in your Outlook calendar.

With VisionCatering you can order bread, water, coffee, tea, etc. in the same process, as when you book the meeting in Outlook via a fully integrated Add-in for Office365.

When a meeting is to be booked in your Outlook calendar, the booker, at the same time, fill in a digital order form, where the booker can indicate which meal plan must be prepared and be available in the booked meeting room. The users experience only the familiar Outlook from Office 365.

The program sends message to the canteen, kitchen, reception or the person responsible, to cover up for the meetings, on the desired table setting, catering, number of participants, special features, etc., so that everything can be purchased and produced ready for the meeting with the agreed catering.

The order form can also be used as communications to the canteen from the meeting booker for special requests and messages, which the canteen must take into account in relation to their accommodation and/or preparation of the room, where the meeting will be held.

The digital order form is fully integrated into the Office365 and can be edited by the canteen, so that the canteen can reflect the day's or week's options.

Those responsible for the accommodation get an an overview of the scheduled meetings, the meal plan, which should be ready for each single meeting, and how much is ordered in total for the next few days, so that the canteen can plan procurement, production and preparation of the ordered food and beverage for the meetings.

The canteen can also see summary of the meetings and the individual orders to be delivered.

and depending on the assigned rights, the canteen employee/Manager/administrator can change and create new order menus, prices, products, locations, meeting rooms and users.

VisionCatering digitizes the workflow and counts the amount of people who will eat lunch in the canteen on the different days, as each employee can specify directly from Outlook which days the person will participate in the lunch at the canteen so that the canteen mangers all the time has overview of how many people they must produce lunch for.

VisionCatering is free to use for companies with up to three Office users (in the same Office tenant). If you are more than three users there is a monthly subscription fee.


This Office Add-In uses LaunchEvents and SmartAlerts. When updating an appointment, your catering order will be updated to reflect room or attendee changes, when running in the New Outlook or Outlook for the Web. In Outlook Classic a softblocking SmartAlert is used to notify the user, that they should manually update the catering order

Можливості програми

Коли ця програма використовується, вона
  • надсилати дані через Інтернет
  • Ця програма може отримувати доступ до персональних даних в активному повідомленні, зокрема таких як основний текст, тема, відправник, одержувачі, відомості про вкладення, та змінювати їх. Вона може надсилати ці дані сторонній службі. Вона не може читати або змінювати інші елементи у вашій поштовій скриньці.
Ця надбудова може запускатися за наведених далі умов.
  • Користувач надсилає запрошення на подію.

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