Cytric Easy

Видавець: Amadeus IT

Microsoft 365 Certified
(171 оцінки)

Plan, share, book, and manage your next business trip in Microsoft Teams.

A new way to plan your collaboration experience - virtually or in person - all from one application.

Cytric Easy is an online solution that enables you to plan, book, and manage your business trips in Microsoft Teams. Take meeting collaboration and trip-planning to the next level:

  • Search, compare, and, book a hotel, flight, or a car rental all in Microsoft Teams
  • Plan trips and share travel details with colleagues
  • Receive flight recommendations based on the flight convenience, price, and your preferences
  • Share your trip information directly in Microsoft Teams and join your colleagues' trips
  • Plan, book, and manage travel and related expenses within Microsoft Teams
  • Get a personal dashboard displayed in Microsoft Teams with all your trip information
  • Get recommendations to meet with close collaborators
  • A single login across your workplace ecosystem
  • Receive notifications for your created, changed, or canceled bookings
  • Receive notifications with expense-related tasks: after your trip to complete your expense report, with the approval status or a reminder to validate an expense report
  • Share transfer options with colleagues travelling to the same airport at similar times to save costs

Want to learn more about Cytric Easy? Find out now

Можливості програми

Коли ця програма використовується, вона
  • надсилати дані через Інтернет
  • Ця програма може отримувати доступ до персональних даних в активному повідомленні, наприклад номерів телефонів, поштових адрес або URL-адрес. Програма може надсилати ці дані сторонній службі. Вона не може читати або змінювати інші елементи у вашій поштовій скриньці.

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