Writing Assistant

Видавець: Stork

(1 оцінки)

AI writing assistant for researchers and professionals.

Writing Assistant is a tool designed for scientists and professionals whose native language is not English to improve their English writing. No matter what your current English level is, Writing Assistant can help you to transform your writing into professional-standard English. It can also directly translate your own language (e.g., Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and many other languages) into English. It can rewrite a sentence, or an entire paragraph.

Currently, many researchers and professionals from universities and companies such as Harvard University, Stanford University, Caltech, and Clariant, are using Writing Assistant to improve English in their manuscripts, technical reports, and emails.

An account is required to use this app. Some features require a premium subscription. For more information, please visit Please contact us for questions and suggestions (

Можливості програми

Коли ця програма використовується, вона
  • читати документ і вносити в нього зміни
  • надсилати дані через Інтернет

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