Data Activator

Видавець: Microsoft Corporation

(4 оцінки)

Receive alerts when a Data Activator trigger fires on your Microsoft Fabric data.

Drive actions from your organization’s data

Your data is only valuable if you can act on it. This means you need to generate insights from your data, then convert those insights into jobs to be done. If you are like many organizations, you meet this need today by manually monitoring a set of reports and dashboards. This can be time-consuming, and that time is multiplied across each department, region, and business unit in your organization.

You can reduce the time involved through automated monitoring but, to date, automation has typically required writing code. Coding can be expensive and brittle, and the costs involved mean that few organizations have found it worthwhile to invest in automation.

That is why we have envisioned Data Activator. As an experience within Microsoft Fabric, Data Activator is a brand-new way to act on your data. Data Activator enables the business analyst to drive actions automatically from your organization’s Fabric data, without writing code.

Putting Data Activator to use

Data Activator can act on any type of data in Microsoft Fabric, from relatively slow-moving data in warehouses, to real-time streaming data in Azure Event Hubs. Here are a few examples of how you might put Data Activator to use in your organization:

  • Sales: alert a sales manager if a particular customer is in arrears with their payments
  • Inventory: check whether inventory levels for a particular product are sufficient, and notify an operations manager if not.
  • IT Operations: automatically monitor data quality metrics and kick off remedial processes if those metrics are below target.
  • IoT: automatically notify an engineer if a refrigerator temperature is too high.

Send Data Activator alerts via Microsoft Teams

With the Data Activator Teams App, you can send alerts to the relevant person in the organization when that person needs to act on a change in the organization’s data. To create an alert, use Data Activator’s no-code trigger designer to define an actionable condition. When Data Activator detects that the condition has been met, it will send an alert to the trigger recipient via the Data Activator Teams app.

Sign up for the Data Activator Preview!

Data Activator is currently in private preview. To send alerts through the Data Activator Teams app, you must be signed up for the preview. To get the preview, first get Microsoft Fabric (details below), then sign up at

How to get Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric is currently in preview. Try out everything Fabric has to offer by signing up for the free trial—no credit card information required. Everyone who signs up gets a fixed Fabric trial capacity, which may be used for any feature or capability from integrating data to creating machine learning models. Existing Power BI Premium customers can simply turn on Fabric through the Power BI admin portal. After July 1, 2023, Fabric will be enabled for all Power BI tenants.

Sign up for the free trial of Microsoft Fabric

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