Blueberry ChatGPT Tools for Outlook
Видавець: Blueberry Consultants Ltd.
ChatGPT Add-in for MS Outlook which allows users to configure custom prompts using ChatGPT.
Blueberry ChatGPT Tools for Outlook is an experimental AI tool developed by Blueberry Consultants. It allows users to experiment with ChatGPT within Outlook by configuring their own custom prompts to run against the selected or new email. Simply install and then enter your ChatGPT API key from OpenAI - and you're ready to go!
Capabilities of the Add-in include:
• ChatGPT prompts are run on in-focus emails and can be manually or automatically triggered based on defined criterion.
• An example prompt would be to summarise the text. Or to update the email's importance, based on the generated output.
• The output is shown in a separate panel to the right of the email.
• Output can be automatically applied to the an email in compose mode.
• When composing an email, buttons can be configured to run ChatGPT on the selected text with specific prompts, and the output text can be used to replace the original text. For example, a user can configure a button to improve the grammar or translate into a different language on selected text.
• Prompts are set up as configurations. The Add-in can manage multiple configurations for different types of scenarios - with each having its own set of conditions, prompts, and display preferences.
Millions of people around the world have found ChatGPT to be an incredibly powerful tool – but until now it was difficult to harness this power inside the most commonly used text-processing application we all use. This tool allows users to experiment with custom prompts to run ChatGPT on Outlook email.
The tool is targeted at people who are already familiar with ChatGPT and will absolutely want to write their own prompts. They can experiment and be as creative as they want.
To use the Add-in, you will need to set up a paid OpenAI account and obtain an API key. Blueberry do not provide an API key service.
Можливості програми
- надсилати дані через Інтернет
- Ця програма може читати й змінювати вміст будь-якого елемента в поштовій скриньці та створювати нові елементи. Вона може отримувати доступ до персональних даних, таких як вміст, теми та вкладення, імена одержувачів і відправника, у будь-якому повідомленні або елементі календаря. Вона може надсилати ці дані сторонній службі.