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Видавець: Xylos
Master Microsoft 365 with the OASE video platform
Struggling to keep your employees up to speed with all that's new in Microsoft 365? 54% of end users feel more comfortable with OASE at their side!
As an IT, HR or L&D manager, you've probably found yourself struggling to keep software training manuals for up to date. It's quite a task, keeping up with all the new functionalities and improvements coming to Microsoft 365 constantly.
Luckily, we're here to help! With OASE, you have an ever up-to-date library of microlearning content that helps end users master their Microsoft 365 applications. Access over 2000 short instruction videos, webinars, tips & tricks and more at any time, from any device, directly in Microsoft Teams.
Help end users become more proficient in the use of their day-to-day tools, alleviate pressure on your service desk and improve your ROI. OASE helps empower your organization to become and stay digitally fit.
Need help getting started? Contact us via oase@xylos.com or https://oase365.com/contact/
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