Tigim Analytics
Видавець: Hippo Educational Technologies LTD
Get feedback on your communication style in meetings
Learn how effectively you are communicating in order to achieve a goal. You receive feedback on your communication style and level of English when talking with your international team and colleagues. Working with people from different backgrounds and cultures, it's easy to forget how our language can impact them and KPIs. Our data insights help you to track the suitability of your messaging so your meetings can be more effective.
We help you to:
- Gather data on your communication style.
- Learn more about the way you use language that can impact your team and colleagues achieving goals effectively.
- Reflect on how you used language to achieve a purpose.
- Consider your audience and purpose before meetings to maximise outcomes.
- Receive valuable feedback from your team and colleagues after the meeting.
- Track your level and style of communication over time to measure progress.
- Connect your use of language to outcomes achieved from meetings.
- Understand what style and characteristics of language work best for different groups to achieve goals.
- Develop yourself as an effective communicator to get the best out of people and meetings.
Key features of integrating with Microsoft Teams:
- Store meetings and feedback from participants.
Understand different aspects of your communication style which include:
- English Level
- Empathy Level
- Sentiment Level
- Word complexity Level
- Jargon usage
- Directness Level
- Engagement Level
Можливості програми
- надсилати дані через Інтернет
- Ця програма може отримувати доступ до персональних даних в активному повідомленні, наприклад номерів телефонів, поштових адрес або URL-адрес. Програма може надсилати ці дані сторонній службі. Вона не може читати або змінювати інші елементи у вашій поштовій скриньці.