
Видавець: CyberTwice B.V.

(29 оцінки)

CyberGate for Microsoft Teams adds new features to the CyberGate service to optimize your workflow.

CyberGate for Microsoft Teams allows you to easily set your availability in every CyberGate Multi-ring group you are part of. Available? You’ll be called by CyberGate. Not available? The calls from CyberGate will not disturb you.

CyberGate for Microsoft Teams provides an overview of your installed devices, see the details and let you initiate calls to your devices directly from the app.

Within an intercom call the CyberGate for Microsoft Teams provides a side panel that allows you to open the door with a single click of a button. This feature is not available for the Teams client on mobile devices (so only on desktop and web clients).

Note: The CyberGate SaaS solution is mandatory to use CyberGate for Microsoft Teams, as CyberGate for Microsoft Teams is an addition to the CyberGate SaaS solution.

Please see our website for more information about CyberGate: or email us at:

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